Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Well, if Day 2 of the Best Holiday Movie EVER Tournament taught us anything, it’s that you value jiggly prosthetic bellies over sarcasm, family comedy over dark comedy, and Tim Allen over Bill Murray. At least at Christmastime, you want feel-good schmaltz over laughs.

How The Santa Clause’s decidedly emphatic upset of Scrooged effects the rest of the tournament remains to be seen, but without a doubt all six films in the “Classics” genre have had their stock go up, while heavy favorites like National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation,  A Christmas Story, and Bad Santa suddenly seem more vulnerable than originally thought.

Day 3 takes us to that “Classics” bracket for a pair of movies that probably wouldn’t be in the bracket except for reputation. This is an 18-12 North Carolina or Duke team getting in just because they are who they are.

With Miracle On 34th Street, you have the template for every “why can’t these damn people just believe in Santa?!?” story ever. Plus some priceless marketing for Macy’s. With Holiday Inn you get a namesake for a future hotel chain, and the younger, weaker little sister to White Christmas despite the fact that the song “White Christmas” actually comes from the movie Holiday Inn.

Follow all that? And in Holiday Inn, Bing Crosby doesn’t even tap dance with Danny f$%&in’ Kaye because he’s too busy trying to keep Fred Astaire from creeping on his lady friend(s).

Day 3 voting takes place right here


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